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The Growth of Hebrew Translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/06/26 00:00:00  浏览次数:810  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Hebrew translation.

While Hebrew isn’t spoken by an awful lot of people worldwide, it’s still an important language. No matter where you stand on the politics of the main region (the Middle East) where Hebrew is spoken, the simple fact is that it’s a language that was brought back from the brink of dying out, and now it flourishes.

For quite some time, Hebrew was a liturgical language. That means it was used for public worship, but not in daily life. It’s an exceptionally old Semitic language that has employed various scripts over the years, including pictographs. Modern Hebrew is an offshoot of thePhoenician alphabet and its script stems from the early Aramaic alphabet.

Important texts, such as a number of the Dead Sea Scrolls, were written in Aramaic. This makes Hebrew translation and the translations of related languages incredibly important to increasing our knowledge about ancient history.

The Haskalah (enlightened) movement, which got started in the 1700s, promoted the integration of Jewish learning with secular institutions in Europe. Hebrew began to replace Yiddish in Germany and elsewhere. This new openness also fostered a cross-pollination of Enlightenment ideals and scientific knowledge in the Hebrew speaking world — as opposed to religious study only.

In the modern era, Hebrew got a kick-start from the creation of the Israeli State, which actively promotes Hebrew language, education, and translation.

Today, Israel is a major player in world markets, and of course is currently embroiled in tense political and military situations. On the positive side, Israel is also deeply involved in the development of cutting-edge medical technologies and general scientific advancement. All of these things put together means Hebrew translation has an extremely important part to play in world society today.

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