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Brazilian Portuguese Translation Now and Into the Future_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/06/28 00:00:00  浏览次数:767  
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Sure, the drama, glamour, worry, and spectacle over Brazil’s World Cup are all over now. It was a grand party, but even so, that doesn’t mean Brazilian Portuguese translation is going to become a thing of the past. On the contrary, Brazil’s roaring economy — and its main language of Portuguese — has a lot to look forward to in the days, weeks, and years ahead.

Brazilian Portuguese translation has a very bright future indeed. Brazil, South America’s economic powerhouse, is set to host the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Did you already forget about that? Rio won’t only be famous for talking, animated birds (theRio movies), sandy beaches, and tropical drinks anymore. It will become even more of a world-class city, taking on the hosting duties of yet another globally important, multifaceted sporting event.

This means Brazilian Portuguese translation is still a hot topic for small businesses, corporations, advertisers, independent travelers, and travel agencies, as well as anyone who wants to get in on the fun (or money-making opportunities).

Apart from amazing sporting events, wild nature (the Amazon, heard of it?), and incredible beaches, Brazil is also pushing ahead with numerous business and technology ventures. Information technology, start-ups, aerospace (Embraer S.A.), and software engineering are just some of the fields were Brazilians truly excel.

True, Brazil is not without its social problems, but a thirst for a better life, in combination with a rapidly growing infrastructure, have created a lot of business buzz around this massive country. This all translates into a continuing need for Brazilian Portuguese translation now — and in the years to come.

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