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How AI and ML Could Transform Speech-to-Text Language Translations_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/07/23 00:00:00  浏览次数:834  
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming important in relation to voice-to-text translation. So far, the aim is for AI and machine learning (ML) to achieve 99 percent accuracy when AI and ML are used in the coming years. It’s getting so sophisticated that when using ‘Smart Compose,’ where someone in Gmail writes a sentence and ‘the app is able to write the following sentence based on the context of the first sentence.

There are also some voice-recognition devices like ‘Dragon Dictate,’ which have been around for several years but haven’t been able to perfect their product. It’s expected that by adding both AI and ML these results are likely to be far better

Google understands how important speech-to-text is to people on a daily basis and an accurate voice-to-text experience is critical when trying to answer a message when driving a vehicle. It is an important method to use for responding to a text message or email on smart phones and wearables. It will also eventually become valuable when mixed reality glasses are being used.

At the moment Google Translate is by no means perfect, but it’s expected that an increase in the use of AI and ML will improve the results of Google Translate. If you are travelling to countries where you can’t speak the language there are a few handheld products that try to translate as you speak into the local language but they are at the moment still limited in their capacity to be exact in their output.

Google is looking at ways of making breakthroughs in this type of translation and it seems Android users are going to see some marked changes in the near future. Apple is currently engaged in AI and ML research around different features of voice and text translation so Apple may soon be rolling out some choices.

There is no doubt that AI and ML are expected to have a major impact on voice-to-text translation, most likely as part of UI in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality glasses. This will all make translations far easier for world travellers.


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