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Multilingual Website Translation = Endless Business Opportunities_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/11/14 00:00:00  浏览次数:741  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

Your website plays an important role in the success and image of your business. So, chances are, you’ve invested substantial resources into perfecting its look, message, and ultimately its ability to sell your products. And, by now, it should be doing a great job. However, it still has tremendous unrealized potential.

Think about it. Even if your award-winning site is coming in at the top of all the search engines, it’s still missing a huge amount of potential customers. So, what’s the most effective way to reach them? Breaking the language barrier! Even if your focus is on domestic sales…it doesn’t matter. The web is a multilingual environment.

Let’s look at some numbers:

Over 60% of Internet users speak a native language other than English.

Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They reached 16.3% of the total population by the end of 2010.

People are three times more likely to buy a product available to them in their native language.

Knowing this, what’s the best investment you could make for your website today? The answer is a customized, search engine optimized,professional website translation.

Beware! Some companies are lured into using computer translations. This is risky business. Your company may save a few dollars with the initial investment but at a considerable cost to your image and sales.Translation is much more than changing words–– it’s about understanding your target audience. Culture matters. Respect this truism and your website will increase your bottom line.

You need professional multilingual website translation services, and that’s where professional translation agencies, like Eging, come in.

Professional translation agencies offer complete translation solutions, including for multilingual website translation. They use professional translators who work in their native language and understand the variations in pronunciation, word usage, and range of cultural sensitivities across markets. This means, your business receives translations appropriate to the nuances of that particular language and culture.

By utilizing multilingual website translation services, you’ll get peace of mind knowing your company’s branding efforts, sales pitch, and copy will be accurately translated and localized for your target audience. This effort will increase your customer base, expand your business, and boost your profits.

Remember: Multilingual website translation is a key marketing strategy for today’s successful businesses.

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ICP 备案号:沪ICP备14046471号-4 is a world-leading translation company with specialties in website translation, legal translation, patent translation, certified translation, software localization, website localization, software products, and enterprise-level, professional translation services. Whether you are looking for a translation agency or an independent translator, Eging offers a full array of language services to meet your needs.

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