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Interpretation Modes_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/11/15 00:00:00  浏览次数:827  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

Last week we started with what will be a series of three posts about interpretation. The Interpreter: a writer or a talker? was the first one of the series. Now we will explore what being an interpreter entails by first explaining what a mode is.

By defining mode we will understand the setting in which the interpretation is performed.

These are the 9 Interpretation modes:

Conference– it takes place in a conference such as, UN congresses. It can be simultaneous or consecutive.

Juridical– simultaneous or consecutive. It comes with a high level of responsibility; a mediocre interpreter or one that has not been sworn could overrule a trial. This mode is more notorious since the 9/11 trials.

Escort is a type of liaison interpretation. The interpreter accompanies a person or group to an interview or tour.

Marketing– the interpreter sits inside a soundproof booth and, with the help of headphones to hear the speaker; delivers the message in the target language. There is a mirror that lets the interpreter see the audience. He has to also imitate the tone, laughs and emotions of the speaker.

Public Sector– or community interpretation. There are several elements that can affect the outcome if this interpretation, such as: the emotional content; a hostile environment; stress or; the hierarchy levels of the subjects involved.

Medical– a subdivision of the Public Sector Interpretation. A thorough knowledge of medical terminology and practices is a must. They are usually formally instructed and certified. Medical interpreters allow the communication between the medical staff and their patients.

Media– The interpreter watches the speaker from a screen. Due to the nature of this kind of interpretation, it is done simultaneously and, can be very stressful because of many external elements such as: background noise, and technical difficulties in live broadcasts. We can see this kind of interpretation in the Olympics or interviews to politicians.

Sign Language– an interpreter with no hearing problems conveys the message to a non-hearing person through sign language, and vice-versa.

Now you have the necessary tools to ask for what you really need. Remember: the more you know, the more you save, in terms of time and money.

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