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Six Languages Increasing in Demand V: Afrikaans Language Translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/06/19 00:00:00  浏览次数:697  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Afrikaans language translation.

While Afrikaans language translation might not be something you think about on a day-to-day basis, it’s a language that has shown an increase in demand for various translation services over the years. Here are some of the main reasons Afrikaans might be on your radar soon — if it isn’t already.

To begin with, let’s start with a quick refresher course on the basics of this language for those of you who might not know too much about the history of Afrikaans:

Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa, as well as in places in Botswana and Namibia, plus a few other countries in the region. The foundation of Afrikaans is Dutch — but Dutch as it was spoken a few hundred years ago. Since the 1800s, the Afrikaans language has taken a very different path from its European Dutch “parent.” While vocabulary from Xhosa, Portuguese, and Malay have worked their way into Afrikaans, Afrikaans is at its core still a European language.

Why is Afrikaans language translation important to consider? With around 7 million people speaking it, it’s one of the most prominent languages in South Africa. And even for people who don’t speak it as a first language, a lot of folks speak it as a second language.

In other words, Afrikaans is frequently used to bridge the divide between many of the distinctive languages spoken in different countries nestled at the southern tip of the African continent. For anyone who wants to do business and go deeper into various markets in that region, Afrikaans language translation is a must. It’s a vital linguistic tool that can be used to communicate with an array of communities.

What this means for any even remotely interested in the region is that Afrikaans is a language you’ll want to keep your eye on now, and in the years to come.

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