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5 Fictional Languages in Books & Movies

发表时间:2015/10/09 00:00:00  浏览次数:1128  
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There are currently 6000-7000 spoken languages however it is estimated that half of the world’s languages will disappear by the end of this century which sounds quite scary. But fear not, because thanks to some of our favourite books and films, new and unusual languages are springing up all around us. Whether that be the Minionese language featured in ‘Despicable Me’ where ‘Me want banana’ translates as ‘I’m hungry or the Na’vi language used in ‘Avatar’ where ‘Kaltxi’ translates as ‘hello’ . In this blog post, we will share 5 of our favourite fictional languages found in Books & Movies.

Huttese Language (Star Wars)

Huttese is one of the most advanced fictional languages developed for the Star Wars trilogy. The language of the Jaba Hut was first introduced in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and was spoken in 3 of the films. The language was designed by sound engineer Ben Burtt who found his influence from Quechua, a Peruvian language.

Na’vi (Avatar)

Na’vi is the language spoken by the Na’vi people in the 2009 film Avatar. The language was created by Paul Frommer who took inspiration from director James Cameron. The Na’vi language incorporates rules for combining sounds, structures of vocabulary etc. The director requested that the sound of the language be pleasant to cinema audiences. This language has proven to be popular with fans of the film, with some even attempting to learn the language.

Minionese (Despicable Me)

Minionese which is also known as banana language is the dialect of the minions in ‘Despicable Me’. Some of the words are influenced from languages such as Chinese, Spanish and Filipino. And although the language may sound like gibberish at times, there are many phases that fans are attempting to learn such as saying ‘hello’ in Minionese which is ‘bello’ or ‘Bee Do Bee Do Bee Do!’ which means ‘Fire!’

Parseltongue (Harry Potter)

Parseltongue is the language of the snakes in the Harry potter movies. Although it’s the language of the snakes, it can be understood by human Parselmouths which isn’t common. Harry is among those few humans that can speak the language. The ability to do so was passed to him when Voldemort tried to kill him.

Sindarin (Lord of the Rings)

Sindarin is the language J.R.R Tolkien appointed for the immortal Elves of the books & films. Sindarin was the Elvish language most frequently spoken in Middle-earth.

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